Cooperation Systems

Datenraum Kultur – smart museum services

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Commemorating the 250th anniversary of Caspar David Friedrich's birth, the web portal was launched in November 2023. Its presentation of the painter’s oeuvre is the result of a unique collaboration between museums in Hamburg, Berlin and Dresden in the federal government's Datenraum Kultur project. They are sharing data and digital images of around 250 works by the most famous painter of German Romanticism to offer a unified overview of the artist's works.

To mark the 250th anniversary of his birth in 2024, the web portal brings together the most important paintings and drawings by Caspar David Friedrich (1774 – 1840) from the collections of the Hamburger Kunsthalle, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. This permanent digital presentation complements the three Caspar David Friedrich anniversary exhibitions in Hamburg, Berlin and Dresden. High-resolution images and detailed texts provide the opportunity to learn more about individual works of art – beyond the duration of the actual exhibitions. This unique cooperation between the museums is part of the Datenraum Kultur project, a showcase for innovative, data-driven value-added services in the cultural sector. The Hamburger Kunsthalle was responsible for the design and implementation of the web portal. The various data sources are connected using data space technologies from Fraunhofer FIT.

Datenraum Kultur

Datenraum Kultur is one of the 18 flagship projects of the German government's digital strategy. Its mission is to facilitate digital cooperation among cultural institutions and the creative industries while preserving the sovereignty of data owners, creators and service providers. The German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) and Fraunhofer FIT are coordinating the project in close cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

The project makes use of several core competencies of Fraunhofer FIT. Using our human-centered design approach, researchers from the Human-Centered Engineering & Design department elicited the requirements of the users. Our Data Science and Artificial Intelligence department is responsible for implementing the data space components. Here, we draw on our experience in the specification, implementation and application of data space technologies from the International Data Spaces Association and the European Gaia-X initiatives. The Cooperation Systems department manages the execution and implementation of the requirements analyses and the cross-domain coordination.

Your benefits

  • Data space connectors for trustworthy and sovereignty-preserving data sharing in the cultural sector
  • Trustworthy networking of services from a large number of different players via the infrastructure provided
  • Innovative digital value-added services for cultural institutions that allow to respect third-party IP