Microsimulation & Econometric Data Analysis

We deliver numerical data for evidence-based economic policies.

We deliver numerical data for evidence-based economic policies. At the interface of science and politics we generate empirical analyses as a basis for political decisions. Political neutrality and scientific objectivity are – apart from the access to a broad base of partially sensitive microdata – our fundamental unique feature. We stand out due to our comprehensive expertise in the field of financial-, social- and family-policy legislation and the field of quantitative methods.

Our Topics

Education & Profession

We dispose of a long-standing know-how in the planning of BAföG which was applied for the BAföG reform which became effective in mid 2016. Projections of the financial requirements and the number of government-funded people are regularly provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Mobility & Environment

To estimate the impact of fees related to automobile traffic on the environment and the society, we develop an automobile-tax-model. For instance, it is used for figuring out how amendments of law can help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions or what the consequences of the abolishment of subsidies on diesel would be.

Old-age Provision

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youths (BMFSFJ) we conduct investigations concerning old-age provision. We mainly focus on the relationship between old-age provision and care.

Equal Opportunities

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youths (BMFSFJ) we conduct investigations concerning the equality between men and women, e.g. estimations of the fiscal effects of reform proposals or labor market policies on those affected by the proposals and on the national budget.


MIKMOD deals with the effects of legislative changes concerning families. Our microsimulation-models for the analysis and planning of family compensation, which concern parental and child allowances, are among them.


Our projects serve regularly as a basis for decision-making in politics and economics with regard to the financial planning and are used for the assessment of the financial consequences of legislation changes. One key aspect constitutes an income tax microsimulation-model which is used by the Federal Ministry of Finance.


Research & Teaching

Lectures, supervised dissertations, publications


(in German)