FAIR Data and Distributed Analytics

FAIR stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

We envision crossing borders of data silos, analyzing them by making data and services FAIR.

Our research focuses on methods for machine actionable data and services to foster data-driven science and innovation.

Data FAIRification and Management

Guide practitioners to develop a value-oriented FAIR data management policy to enable organizations to manage their data through its lifecycle and support their data driven business models

Distributed Analytics Platforms

The FIT Data Analytics Train platform provides a solution to gain full benefits of distributed data, without sharing any data. Analytics algorithms visit the decentral data centres and return (and travel on) with trained models of what they have learned from the data.

PID systems

Persistent Identifiers (PID) used for managing and sharing digital resources in complex data-intensive production and research.  PID systems identify digital objects (such as data, software) globally uniquely and make them findable both for human and machine users. 

FAIR Capability Maturity Models and Assessment

Making your data FAIR is a journey: each organization decides the best path for themselves.  Capability Maturity model helps organizations to identify their critical process for their goals and guides them to improve those for achieving FAIR data.

Our services


Personal Health Train (PHT) is a novel approach, that aims to establish a distributed data analytics infrastructure enabling the (re)use of distributed healthcare data. At the same time, data owners stay in control of their data. The main principle of the PHT is that data remains in its original location, and analytical tasks visit data sources and execute the tasks. The PHT provides a distributed, flexible approach to using data in a network of participants, incorporating the FAIR principles. PADME is a PHT implementation developed by Fraunhofer in collaboration with RWTH Uni, Cologne University Hospital and Leipzig Uni. Distributed Analytics (DA) has been introduced to overcome the challenges of accessing and performing data analysis on privacy-sensitive data. The main principle of DA is that the analysis task is brought to the data instead of bringing data to a centralised location to run the data analysis algorithms

Our study is part of German MII and GoFAIR initiatives.


Publication Type
2024 OntoEditor: Real-Time Collaboration via Distributed Version Control for Ontology Development
Hemid, Ahmad; Shabbir, Waleed; Khiat, Abderrahmane; Lange-Bever, Christoph; Quix, Christoph; Decker, Stefan
Conference Paper
2024 Enhancing Machine Learning Capabilities in Data Lakes with AutoML and LLMs
Hoseini, Sayed; Ibbels, Maximilian; Quix, Christoph
Conference Paper
2024 A survey on semantic data management as intersection of ontology-based data access, semantic modeling and data lakes
Hoseini, Sayed; Lipp, Johannes; Quix, Christoph
Journal Article
2024 Coatings Intelligence: Data-driven Automation for Chemistry 4.0
Hoseini, Sayed; Zhang, Gaoyuan; Polke, Dominik; Surjana, Alvin Immanuel; Wagner, Lasse; Schmitz, Christian; Quix, Christoph
Conference Paper
2023 Engineering Digital Twins and Digital Shadows as Key Enablers for Industry 4.0
Braun, Stefan; Dalibor, Manuela; Jansen, Nico; Jarke, Matthias; Koren, István; Quix, Christoph; Rumpe, Bernhard; Wimmer, Manuel; Wortmann, Andreas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 Digital shadows: Infrastructuring the Internet of Production
Aalst, Wil van der; Jarke, Matthias; Koren, István; Quix, Christoph
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 Data Lakes: A Survey of Functions and Systems
Hai, Rihan; Koutras, Christos; Quix, Christoph; Jarke, Matthias
Journal Article
2023 SEDAR: A Semantic Data Reservoir for Heterogeneous Datasets
Hoseini, Sayed; Ali, Ahmed; Shaker, Haron; Quix, Christoph
Conference Paper
2023 Monitoring Large Scale Production Processes Using a Rule‑Based Visualization Recommendation System
Chakrabarti, Arnab; Farhad, Ahmad; Jarke, Matthias; Quix, Christoph
Journal Article
2022 A computer science perspective on digital transformation in production
Brauner, Philipp; Dalibor, Manuela; Jarke, Matthias; Kunze, Ike; Koren, István; Lakemeyer, Gerhard; Liebenberg, Martin; Michael, Judith; Pennekamp, Jan; Quix, Christoph; Rumpe, Bernhard; Aalst, Wil van der; Wehrle, Klaus; Wortmann, Andreas; Ziefle, Martina
Journal Article
2022 Federated Data Integration in Data Spaces
Jarke, Matthias; Quix, Christoph
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Deep learning-based automated characterization of crosscut tests for coatings via image segmentation
Zhang, G.; Schmitz, C.; Fimmers, M.; Quix, Christoph; Hoseini, S.
Journal Article
2021 Data Management Technologies and Applications. 9th International Conference, DATA 2020. Revised Selected Papers
Conference Proceeding
2021 Unsupervised Feature Selection for Efficient Exploration of High Dimensional Data
Chakrabarti, A.; Das, A.; Cochez, M.; Quix, C.
Conference Paper
2020 Data Lake
Quix, Christoph; Geisler, Sandra; Hai, Rihan
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Database Management Systems (DBMS)
Geisler, Sandra; Quix, Christoph
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 The International Data Spaces Information Model - An Ontology for Sovereign Exchange of Digital Content
Bader, Sebastian R.; Pullmann, Jaroslav; Mader, Christian; Tramp, Sebastian; Quix, Christoph; Mueller, Andreas W.; Akyürek, Haydar; Böckmann, Matthias; Imbusch, Benedikt T.; Lipp, Johannes; Geisler, Sandra; Lange, Christoph
Conference Paper
2020 Foreword
Hammoudi, S.; Quix, C.; Bernardino, J.
Conference Paper
2020 Editorial: NFDI4City - Research Data Management for Applied Urban Research
Sautter, Johannes; Braun, Steffen; Lambrecht, Udo; Quix, Christoph; Wuchner, Andrea; Küsters, Ulrike; Iglezakis, Dorothea; Schimmler, Sonja; Alvanides, Serafeim
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Relaxed functional dependency discovery in heterogeneous data lakes
Hai, R.; Quix, C.; Wang, D.
Conference Paper
2019 Reference Architecture Model. Version 3.0
Otto, Boris; Steinbuss, Sebastian; Teuscher, Andreas; Lohmann, Steffen; Bader, Sebastian; Birnstil, P.; Böhmer, M.; Brost, G.; Cirullies, J.; Eitel, A.; Ernst, T.; Geisler, S.; Gelhaar, J.; Gude, R.; Haas, C.; Huber, M.; Jung, C.; Jürjens, J.; Lange, C.; Lis, D.; Mader, C.; Menz, N.; Nagel, R.; Patzer, F.; Pettenpohl, H.; Pullmann, J.; Quix, C.; Schulz, D.; Schütte, J.; et al.
2019 A Metadata Framework for Data Lagoons
Theodorou, V.; Hai, R.; Quix, C.
Conference Paper
2018 Goal-oriented modelling of relations and dependencies in data marketplaces
Chakrabarti, A.; Quix, C.; Geisler, S.; Pullmann, J.; Khromov, A.; Jarke, M.
Conference Paper
2018 Query Rewriting for Heterogeneous Data Lakes
Hai, R.; Quix, C.; Zhou, C.
Conference Paper
2018 Nested schema mappings for integrating JSON
Hai, R.; Quix, C.; Kensche, D.
Conference Paper
2018 Research Data in the Fraunhofer Digital Project. Creating a FAIR Research Data Infrastructure and Culture
Beyan, O.; Wuchner, Andrea; Eisengräber-Pabst, Dirk; Quix, C.; Zaschke, Christian; Schumacher, Oliver
Conference Paper
2018 IDS Reference Architecture Model. Industrial Data Space. Version 2.0
Otto, Boris; Lohmann, Steffen; Steinbuss, Sebastian; Teuscher, Andreas; Auer, Soeren; Boehmer, Martin; Bohn, Juergen; Brost, Gerd; Cirullies, Jan; Ciureanu, Constantin; Corsi, Eva; Danielsen, Soeren; Eitel, Andreas; Ernst, Thilo; Geisler, Sandra; Gelhaar, Joshua; Gude, Roland; Haas, Christian; Heiles, Juergen; Hierro, Juanjo; Hoernle, Joachim; Huber, Manuel; Jung, Christian; Juerjens, Jan; Kasprzik, Anna; Ketterl, Markus; Koetzsch, Judith; Koehler, Jacob; Lange, Christoph; Langer, Dorothea; Langkau, Joerg; Lis, Dominik; Loeffler, Sven; Loewen, Ulrich; Mader, Christian; Menz, Nadja; Mueller, Andreas; Mueller, Bernhard; Nagel, Lars; Nagel, Ralf; Nieminen, Harri; Reitelbach, Thomas; Resetko, Aleksei; Pakkala, Daniel; Patzer, Florian; Pettenpohl, Heinrich; Pietzsch, Rene; Pullmann, Jaroslav; Punter, Matthijs; Quix, Christoph; Rohrmus, Dominik; Romer, Lena; Sandloehken, Joerg; Schoewe, Patrick; Schulz, Daniel; Schuette, Julian; Schweichhart, Karsten; Sol, Egbert-Jan; Sorowka, Peter; Spiegelberg, Gernot; Spiekermann, Markus; Spohn, Christian; Stoehr, Gerrit; Thess, Michael; Tramp, Sebastian; Wappler, Mona; Weiergraeber, Ann-Christin; Wenzel, Sven; Wolff, Oliver; Woerner, Heike
2017 An integrated ontology-based approach for patent classification in medical engineering
Geisler, Sandra; Quix, Christoph; Hai, Rihan; Alekh, Sanchit
Conference Paper
2017 Ontology matching for patent classification
Quix, C.; Geisler, S.; Hai, R.; Alekh, S.
Conference Paper
2017 Foreword
Bernardino, J.; Quix, C.; Filipe, J.
Conference Paper
2017 Business process modelling for a data exchange platform
Quix, C.; Chakrabarti, A.; Kleff, S.; Pullmann, J.
Conference Paper
2017 On warehouses, lakes, and spaces. The changing role of conceptual modeling for data integration
Jarke, Matthias; Quix, Christoph
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2017 Layout-Aware Semi-automatic Information Extraction for Pharmaceutical Documents
Harmata, S.; Hofer-Schmitz, K.; Nguyen, P.-H.; Quix, C.; Bakiu, B.
Conference Paper
2017 Modelling national research information contexts based on CERIF
Quix, C.; Riechert, M.
Journal Article
2017 Reference Architecture Model for the Industrial Data Space
Otto, Boris; Lohmann, Steffen; Auer, Sören; Brost, Gerd; Cirullies, Jan; Eitel, Andreas; Ernst, Thilo; Haas, Christian; Huber, Manuel; Jung, Christian; Jürjens, Jan; Lange, Christoph; Mader, Christian; Menz, Nadja; Nagel, Ralf; Pettenpohl, Heinrich; Pullmann, Jaroslav; Quix, Christoph; Schon, Jochen; Schulz, Daniel; Schütte, Julian; Spiekermann, Markus; Wenzel, Sven
2017 Developing and standardising definitions for research information: Framework and methods of successful process documentation
Riechert, M.; Biesenbender, S.; Quix, C.
Journal Article
2016 Ontology-based data quality management for data streams
Geisler, Sandra; Quix, Christoph; Weber, Sven; Jarke, Matthias
Journal Article
2016 GEMMS: A Generic and Extensible Metadata Management System for data lakes
Quix, C.; Hai, R.; Vatov, I.
Conference Paper
2016 Guest editorial: Large-scale data management for mobile applications
Delot, Thierry; Geisler, Sandra; Ilarri, Sergio; Quix, Christoph
2016 Interactive Pay-As-You-Go-Integration of Life Science Data: The HUMIT Approach
Quix, C.; Berlage, T.; Jarke, M.
Journal Article
2016 Recommender-System für Projektkollaborationen basierend auf wissenschaftlichen Publikationen und Patenten
Quix, Christoph; Geisler, Sandra; Hai, Rihan
Conference Paper
2016 Constance: An intelligent data lake system
Hai, Rihan; Geisler, Sandra; Quix, Christoph
Conference Paper
2016 Metadata extraction and management in data lakes with GEMMS
Quix, Christoph; Hai, Rihan; Vatov, I.
Journal Article
2016 11th International Workshop on Quality in Databases, QDB 2016. Proceedings
Conference Proceeding
2015 Fostering transparency in policy development processes - a development transparency framework
Riechert, Mathias; Quix, Christoph; Zarnekow, Rüdiger
Conference Paper
2015 An ontology-based collaboration recommender system using patents
Geisler, Sandra; Hai, Rihan; Quix, Christoph
Conference Paper
2015 Special issue on advanced information systems engineering
Jarke, Matthias; Mylopoulos, J.; Quix, Christoph
Journal Article
2014 Special Issue on Information Management in Mobile Applications
Delot, Thierry; Geisler, Sandra; Nicklas, Daniela; Quix, Christoph; Xu, Bo
Journal Issue
2014 Advanced Information Systems Engineering. 26th International Conference, CAiSE 2014
Conference Proceeding
2014 Selection and aggregation of interestingness measures: A review
Bong, K.K.; Joest, M.; Quix, C.; Anwar, T.; Manickam, S.
Journal Article
2014 Entity recognition in information extraction
Hanafiah, Novita; Quix, Christoph
Conference Paper
2014 Evaluation of real-time traffic applications based on data stream mining
Geisler, Sandra; Quix, Christoph
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Information integration in research information systems
Quix, Christoph; Jarke, Matthias
Journal Article
2014 Model based prediction of performance change introducing a customised barcode system in an academic laboratorial workflow
Bukowski, M.; Kloeckner, F.; Frese, J.; Quix, C.; Jockenhoevel, S.; Farkas, R.
Journal Article
2014 Editorial: Special issue on information management in mobile applications
Delot, T.; Geisler, S.; Nicklas, D.; Quix, C.; Xu, B.
2014 Data-centric intelligent information integration
Jarke, Matthias; Jeusfeld, Manfred; Quix, Christoph
Journal Article
2014 Automated interestingness measure selection for exhibition recommender systems
Bong, K.K.; Joest, M.; Quix, Christoph; Anwar, T.
Conference Paper
2014 FactRunner: A new system for NLP-based information extraction from wikipedia
Sutoyo, R.; Quix, C.; Kastrati, F.
Conference Paper
2014 Message from the chairs
Jarke, M.; Mylopoulos, J.; Quix, C.; Rolland, C.; Manolopoulos, Y.; Mouratidis, H.; Horkoff, J.
Conference Paper
2013 FactRunner: Fact extraction over Wikipedia
Sutoyo, Rhio; Quix, Christoph; Kastrati, Fisnik
Conference Paper
2013 Architecture and quality in data warehouses
Jarke, Matthias; Jeusfeld, Manfred A.; Quix, Christoph; Vassiliadis, Panos
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2013 Message from the workshop chairs
Delot, T.; Geisler, S.; Ilarri, S.; Quix, C.
Conference Paper
2013 HealthNet: A system for mobile and wearable health information management
Quix, Christoph; Barnickel, Johannes; Geisler, Sandra; Hassani, Marwan; Kim, Saim; Li, Xiang; Lorenz, Andreas; Quadflieg, Till; Gries, Thomas; Jarke, Matthias; Leonhardt, Steffen; Meyer, Ulrike; Seidl, Thomas
Conference Paper
2013 IMMoA 2013, 3rd International Workshop on Information Management for Mobile Applications. Proceedings
Conference Proceeding
2013 Data warehouse architecture and quality: Impact and open challenges
Jarke, Matthias; Jeusfeld, Manfred A.; Quix, Christoph; Vassiliadis, Panos; Vassiliou, Yannis
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2012 An evaluation framework for traffic information systems based on data streams
Geisler, Sandra; Quix, Christoph; Schiffer, Stefan; Jarke, Matthias
Journal Article
2010 Metamodelling with datalog and classes: ConceptBase at the age of 21
Jarke, M.; Jeusfeld, M.A.; Nissen, H.W.; Quix, C.; Staudt, M.
Conference Paper
2010 Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Modellierung von prozesstechnischen und diskreten Produktionsanlagen
Behnen, D.; Mersch, H.; Quix, C.; Schmilz, D.; Zhang, M.; Fayzullin, K.; Brecher, C.; Epple, U.; Jarke, M.
Conference Paper
2010 Connectivism: The network metaphor of learning
Chatti, M.A.; Jarke, M.; Quix, C.
Journal Article
2009 Generic schema mappings for composition and query answering
Kensche, D.; Quix, C.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Jarke, M.
Journal Article
2009 Heterogeneity in model management
Jarke, M.; Jeusfeld, M.A.; Nissen, H.W.; Quix, C.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2008 Mobile mining and information management in HealthNet scenarios
Kranen, P.; Kensche, D.; Kim, S.; Zimmermann, N.; Müller, E.; Quix, C.; Li, X.; Gries, T.; Seidl, T.; Jarke, M.; Leonhardt, S.
Conference Paper
2007 Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW)
Conference Proceeding
2007 Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web
Conference Proceeding
2007 GeRoMe: A generic role based metamodel for model management
Kensche, D.; Quix, C.; Chatti, A.M.; Jarke, M.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2007 Generic schema mapping
Kensche, D.; Quix, C.; Li, Y.; Jarke, M.
Conference Paper
2005 GeRoMe: A generic role based metamodel for model management
Kensche, D.; Quix, C.; Chatti, A.; Jarke, M.
Conference Paper
2005 Value-added services enabling semantic web technologies for SMEs
Becks, A.; Huster, J.; Jarke, M.; Jertila, A.; Quix, C.; Seeling, C.
Conference Paper
2002 Enhancing decision and negotiation support in enterprise networks through semantic web technologies
Schoop, M.; Becks, A.; Quix, C.; Burwick, T.; Engels, C.M.
Conference Paper
2001 Data warehouse process management
Vassiliadis, P.; Quix, C.; Vassiliou, Y.; Jarke, M.
Journal Article
2000 A Model for Data Warehouse Operational Processes
Vassiliadis, P.; Quix, C.; Vassiliou, Y.; Jarke, M.
Conference Paper
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