Digital Transformation

Digital transformation describes the comprehensive use of new technologies to modernize processes, products and business models. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular are faced with the challenge of developing and implementing digital strategies in order to secure their competitiveness.

Research questions:

  • What specific challenges block digital transformation in SMEs?
  • How can co-creation platforms promote innovation processes in production?
  • Which technologies and strategies accelerate digitalization in rural regions?
  • How can barriers and obstacles be removed and low-threshold access to new technologies be created?

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Current Research Projects


EDIH Rheinland

EDIH Rheinland supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their path to digital transformation. It focuses on the topics of AI, sustainability, innovation and high-performance computing.


Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Ländliche Regionen

The digitization of medium-sized companies poses a major challenge, especially for rural companies. A lack of fundamentals in rural areas further complicates the hurdles. The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Ländliche Regionen provides medium-sized companies in rural regions with a center focused on them with solutions and services for their specific requirements and problems.


Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum WertNetzWerke

The competence center WertNetzWerke supports small and medium-sized enterprises in sustainable digitization. In exciting praxis projects, events and knowledge services, we show you how to profit from digital alliances. Our offerings are vendor-neutral and free of charge for medium-sized companies.



In the Horizon 2020 project PRODUCE, we are developing an innovative social production platform. It will enable interaction and collaboration between makers, consumers, and small and medium enterprises in production as well as create space for user-driven, open innovation and co-creation.