Digital Solutions for Sustainability

Our contribution to sustainability is to research and develop technological innovations that minimize the consumption of resources, protect the environment and promote long-term ecological goals. Data-driven solutions and digital platforms can be used to establish sustainable processes in the areas of energy, water, agriculture and industry.

Research questions:

  • How can digital product passports be realized and contribute to circularity?
  • How can digital platforms monitor and optimize local water cycles?
  • Which technologies promote the sustainable use of renewable energies in existing infrastructures?
  • How can generative AI help to improve reporting and accounting?

Research with us.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Current Research Projects



(German information only)

Zu Wassermengen einer Region und optimalen Sparmaßnahmen gibt es bislang keine genauen Informationen. Im Projekt CrowdWater entwickeln wir eine Datenplattform, die lokale Wasserkreisläufe erfassen kann und eine nachhaltige Nutzung fördert.



The Horizon 2020-project AllData4GreenDeal (AD4GD) aims to improve the international collaboration in targeting ecological problems by identifying possible hindrances in data exchange. AD4GD especially focuses on interoperable data usage between institutions.



With DEMETER, we are promoting digitalization in the agriculture and food sector. Digital technologies are developed and tested specifically for the requirements in agriculture in order to optimize them efficiently and sustainably along the value chain in the long-term.


SynErgie II

SynErgie is dedicated to exploring how a flexible alignment of industrial processes can balance to the power system. In this context, wen are adapting energy requirements to identify key industrial processes which can be used to balance the fluctuating energy supply.