Certified professional training

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Fraunhofer Personnel Certification Authority

Fraunhofer's Personnel Certification Authority at Fraunhofer FIT certifies, in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17024, that a person attended a professional training course and demonstrated in a subsequent exam a set of relevant skills and knowledge. Currently, certification is available for courses in Usability Engineering, Data Science, Process Mining, and Distributed Ledger Technology, which are offered by Fraunhofer FIT or where Fraunhofer FIT is involved in, and also for courses in Digital Twins, Fiber Composites, Lightweight Materials, Metal Additive Manufacturing, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Quantum Computing, Scientific Training, and Hydrogen Use for Transportation. For Usability Engineering certificates, the Fraunhofer Personnel Certification Authority is accredited by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS).

Our certificate attests that a person has professional experience in a field, attended a specific training course and demonstrated state-of-the-art knowledge and skills relevant in a professional activity. The combination of expertise in research, practice and innovation at Fraunhofer FIT guarantees that our exams test relevant skills and state-of-the-art knowledge. Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) has accredited Fraunhofer Personnel Certification Authority to certify the professional expertise acquired in usability engineering training programs in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024. To renew our accreditation, DAkkS annually checks that our working procedures, which are being applied for all certificates we issue, conform to ISO 17024.

Fraunhofer Education Center

To professionalize and expand our activities in certified continuing education, Fraunhofer FIT founded the Education Center, which is also a regional office of Fraunhofer Academy. The center is bundling services related to the development of continuing education courses, infrastructure for offering digital learning products and the product portfolio. We developed a process model that will serve as a basis for enabling effective knowledge transfer in Fraunhofer FIT and – in the long run – throughout Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

The center's learning experts manage the development and marketing of new offers in a multi-participatory process with the subject experts of the institutes. This allows customers to choose from a steadily growing portfolio of topics and formats and put them together for in-house training courses that meet their needs. This facilitates the transfer of knowledge and customers benefit from higher didactic quality.

Usability Engineering | New certification programs for human-centered digitization

Here the Certified Usability Engineer is the basic qualification level. The courses teach the essential tools for an advisory role in usability engineering, concentrating on the fundamental concepts, methods and procedures. The practical training focuses on a collection of methods that FIT usability engineering experts have been using successfully in developing and evaluating interactive products and their development processes according to the international usability standards ISO 9241-11, -110 and -210.

In addition, we expanded our course portfolio by offering three practical training courses in the field of Human-Centered Innovation and Digitalization. Alumni of the Design Thinking Professional, Innovation Prototyper, or Digitalization Manager training courses can obtain expert-level certification.

Creative innovations and user-friendly digitization strategies are indispensable for a modern company. They play a decisive role in determining how positively a product or service is perceived and influence the overall user experience. The training courses therefore focus on using a selection of human-centered analysis methods to identify and improve positive, state-of-the-art user experiences.

Advanced course in distributed ledger technology

We also offer an advanced training program leading to a Certified Professional for Distributed Ledger Technology diploma. Participants are introduced to the latest developments in Web3, NFTs, blockchain technologies, and governance. And they learn to evaluate them as elements of their own business strategies. Our trainers have many years of experience in implementing innovative solutions using distributed ledger technologies. In our courses they present knowledge accrued in collaboration with industry and in research projects. Hybrid exchange formats are used to deepen the participants’ understanding. The course is mainly aimed at executives, such as CTOs, CIOs, or innovation managers. Further information and course dates: https://s.fhg.de/dtl-training

Data management competences

Business organizations, universities or research institutes – they all generate large volumes of heterogeneous data. To exploit these potential resources, one needs to borrow concepts and techniques from computer science, statistics and management science. In our training course “Data Scientist Specialized in Data Management” we present methods for the sustainable management of data and documents. And the participants practice all the important aspects in hands-on sessions, guided by experienced tutors. Besides this course, we offer a Basic Data Scientist course in cooperation with the Fraunhofer institutes IAIS, IESE, and SIT. The course teaches Big Data basics. A new professional training course “Data Scientist Specialized in Production“, developed in cooperation with the Fraunhofer institutes IAIS and IPT, teaches the skills to evaluate and implement machine learning applications in production.

Certified Data Scientist Specialized in Process Mining

This continuing education course shows the value proposition behind process mining and why one should be involved with this methodology. The course is divided into the Innovation Briefing and the Deep Dive. The Innovation Briefing provides an overview of the course and the possibilities of process mining.

The Deep Dive teaches the necessary process mining methods. Here, participants learn how to decompose a problem into different process components. They are introduced to the Discovery and Conformance techniques and learn how to apply them to processes using the Python Library PM4Py. The course looks into advanced analysis techniques based on current research and informs about the capabilities but also the limitations of available commercial and scientific solutions.

Graduates of the entire course, including the in-depth part, will be able to plan, implement and apply process mining techniques to identify and target optimization potentials in their organizations. Furthermore, the course enables participants to evaluate commercial applications and supports them in making decisions about the implementation of these tools.