Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

New spin-off in the field of process mining

© Fraunhofer FIT

To commercialize our research results in the field of process mining, Fraunhofer FIT is helping to launch a new company, Process Intelligence Solutions (PIS). The spin-off will develop and market software that supports examining operational procedures and business processes. It uses data-driven analysis methods to identify inefficiencies and potential improvements. 

Fraunhofer FIT has been conducting research in the field of process mining for more than five years and has quickly developed into a significant partner within the scientific community. Through numerous industry collaborations and research projects, two essential process mining software products have been developed at Fraunhofer FIT. Transferring these software products to industry is the core mission of our spin-off Process Intelligence Solutions, or PIS for short.

On the one hand, PIS will take over the ongoing development of the PM4Py (Process Mining for Python) software library, which is widely used both in the scientific community and in industrial applications, and will license it to partners. PM4Py is currently one of the most widely used open source process mining software libraries and contains a broad range of process mining algorithms. A large number of researchers and industrial partners use PM4Py to analyze data, develop specific algorithms and also their own process mining software solutions based on PM4Py.

PIS will also continue to develop the PMTk (Process Mining Toolkit) software, which offers a complete process mining software solution for process and data analysts, and license it to partners. The PMTk user interface offers analysts many options for visualizing, filtering and analyzing event data.

By transferring the software products PM4Py and PMTk to the spin-off, Fraunhofer FIT is taking the next step in exploiting the potential of these products and supporting their development on a larger scale. PIS will cooperate closely with Fraunhofer FIT. Training, consulting and research services regarding the software packages and process mining in general will be offered in close cooperation with Fraunhofer FIT. PIS can thus rely on a strong partner and focus on software development and licensing.

Your benefits

  • Competent partner for process mining
  • Customized development of software and services