Budget and personnel

Following the temporary slump in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, the institute's positive development continued for the third year in a row. The operating budget rose to a new record of over € 27.4 million (compared to € 24.2 million in 2022) and total third-party funding also reached a new record high of € 23.8 million (€ 22.1 million in 2022).

Contract research revenues decreased by 2.4 percent year-on-year to € 8.0 million, while revenues from German and European research grants and other sources rose by 13.8 percent to € 15.8 million. Revenues from all external sources covered 86.9 percent of our operating budget (previous year 91.2 percent), while the share of the operating budget covered by contract research revenues (Rho-Wi in Fraunhofer parlance) was 29.3 percent (previous year 34 percent).

In 2023, the number of FIT personnel increased by a little below 13.8 percent compared to 2022, to 206 full-time equivalents. In total, including student assistants and interns, about 500 people were employed at Fraunhofer FIT.