In the project "Stadtquartier 2050", the task of supplying the building stock of the Federal Republic of Germany, and thus also of our cities, with almost climate-neutral energy by the year 2050 is being tackled in two exemplary quarters in the cities of Stuttgart and Überlingen. The ambitious urban energy concept will be implemented in deliberately different residential areas, with a special focus on socially acceptable rental price development. Since both cities have similar tasks to perform in the different residential quarters, this systematic approach allows the results and experiences from the demonstration quarters to be transferred and used not only within the respective city, but also in the other city.
The technological and socio-scientific focal points of the work, which are oriented towards the tasks at hand, and the planned tools, such as a neighbourhood app for consumer training, support this approach. The transdisciplinary project consortium is formed by the two teams for the demonstration projects (cities, housing associations, energy suppliers and other planning participants such as research institutes and specialist planners) as well as experts in the fields of social sciences and monument conservation/heat insulation. Two industrial partners (Saint-Gobain Isover G+H AG and puren) are involved in the project and contribute their know-how.
General data
- Two quarters: Stuttgart and Überlingen on Lake Constance
- Over 960 residential units
- Total investment sum of approx. 190 million euros
Project objectives and focus
- Conversion, redevelopment and partial demolition and new development of a former hospital area in Stuttgart (conversion area)
- Peripheral area redevelopment with construction site extension in Überlingen
- Implementation of a grid optimizer and a neighbourhood app for consumer training