Open ICT ecosystem for cross-sectoral control and operational management of the energy infrastructure at a multifunctional hub for mobility, production and neighbourhood supply
The mobility sector and the electricity sector face profound challenges in the context of the decarbonisation targets. The aim of the ODH@SIZ project is to link these two sectors intelligently with each other in the sense of sector coupling within the framework of a pilot project at the location of the Zusmarshausen Innovation Park. For this purpose, a modular ICT ecosystem is to be developed, which networks existing proprietary isolated applications and can be transferred to other locations. The ICT ecosystem allows the best possible use of energy at the site by aligning the capacities of the network and charging infrastructure at the site with the requirements of the users and thus making the best possible use of them. The additional connection to existing production and commercial facilities results in an innovative and groundbreaking approach that will serve as a model for other locations.
General data
- Location: Zusmarshausen
- Size of the loading park: 144 loading columns
- Project partners: Fraunhofer FIT, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Steinbacher-Consult, Sortimo
Project objectives and focus
Development of an ICT ecosystem for the intelligent control of charging processes, taking into account the requirements of local power generation and consumption. Development and testing are carried out in the Sortimo Innovation Park Zusmarshausen.
- Open ICT-ecosystem for the local networking of the electricity and mobility sectors
- Electricity: Photovoltaic power generation and industrial electricity demand
- Mobility: Charge management for charging electric cars taking into account charging capacities
- Analysis of journey and loading forecasts